Customized survey templates to suit your need

Easily design your admin or survey templates to suit your organization

With our easy theme builder, you can easily and quickly customize admin and survey themes to meet your organizational colours and fonts.
With a source code builder, you can use any html/css design giving you more opportunities

Online survey software

Complete Template Customization

With custom design, our application fits well into your organization

We create really lovely templates to meet your organizational needs and colours. With our template design, our software will easily integrate into your organization.

Admin themes

The available admin theme templates does not suit your needs? We can create a new admin theme to completely suit your needs.

Survey themes

We are constantly creating new templates to suit your every survey needs. New question templates are created regularly

Custom logo

Easily add your logo to the templates. No advertisements from us. Your respondents are happy because they know they are safe.

Custom Survey URL

Send a Survey URL with your organizational domain name instead of a subdomain from a survey provider. Custom domain means more responses

Secure login with database auth, SSO or LDAP

You can pick from different authentication methods. With SSO/SAML, your users can log in securely into the application using the same credential for your identity provider.

The only survey software you'll ever need!

Get answers to your most important market, brand, customer, product and research questions with a survey software that can handle everything from simple questionnaires to detailed research projects.