Engaging and effective patient feedback forms & surveys.

Take Patient Feedback in Hospitals across various departments

Create engaging and effective patient feedback forms & surveys. Customize feedback questions, fonts, colors, emoticons & more.

Anonymize Responses From your participants

Open survey with anonymize responses

Make your survey anonymous and collect responses you cannot link to your respondents. Protect your patient’s data with encryption both for data in transit and data at rest. All data available in a database you fully control.

Close survey with anonymize responses

With a close survey, the survey participation is restricted to only users that are given access. Generate a token code that is sent to only the participants you want to participate in your survey.

Healthcare centers where our application can be us


Deploy feedback surveys inside patient wards and other key areas at hospitals for capturing patient feedback.


Understand patient feedback about your clinic, home care centers. Get feedback about caregivers, facilities, and more.


Set up surveys to get feedback regarding the staff helpfulness, availability of the medicines.


Get Feedback regarding timely medical report delivery, cleanliness, and staff behavior at diagnostic labs.